Hunajayhtymän toimitilat

Honey Group Finland

Honey Group Finland Ltd has packaged Finnish honey for Finnish consumers for over 50 years. Our products have been found on store shelves for a long time, and many remember them from their childhood.

The company was founded in 1969 by a group of beekeepers with two goals in mind: improving the sale of honey and diversifying the sale of bee products. Half a century later, both of these goals are still the foundation of our business. In addition, we work to innovate with new honey products and to increase the consumption of honey with the aim of improving the health of the environment.

Finland is the northernmost place where honey is collected. This, together with the unique sources of nectar and wild forest flowers, gives Finnish honey its distinctive character.

Our business is based on strong green values, a transparent production process and Finnish work. Honey Group Finland’s revenue in 2022 was EUR 4.1 million. Honey sales made up 80% of the revenue while bee product, sugar and wax sales made up approximately 20% of the revenue.


Hunajayhtymän tuotteita
Honey Group Finland’s product selection includes the unique honey product, Mieleinen. This honey product never crystallises thanks to soluble fibre.

Honey Group Finland: then and now

Honey Group Finland first operated in Toijala, but in 1973, the company moved to its current location in Kojonkulma, Loimaa. Our modern packaging and storage spaces and stores are located in Southwestern Finland which is also a very active region for beekeeping in Finland. We also serve customers who live farther away through our webstores, and we offer beekeepers pick-up services for honey as well as delivery services for feeding sugar.

In 2014, we established our subsidiary, Honey Group Finland Production, which produces honey for Honey Group Finland Ltd. Honey Group Finland has 8 permanent employees. Honey Group Finland Production has 1–2 permanent employees. We also employ more people during seasonal work.

We are now the largest honey packaging company in Finland. Besides packaging, we serve the food industry by importing foreign honey based on our customers’ needs. We purchase Finnish honey from our approximately 150 contract producers. Our contract producers form an essential network for us as suppliers of raw ingredients, regardless of their size. The contract producers have apiaries all around Finland, which ensures that bees are able to carry out their vital task of pollinating plants throughout the country. To support honey production, we participate in organising contract producer courses and annual contract producer days. Furthermore, we are happy to provide consultation and participate in new opportunities, projects and innovations in the industry.


The only company in the industry with an official quality standard

We package honey in consumer packaging and sell it to companies. We are the only honey packaging company in Finland to follow the FSSC standard for food safety management systems (FSSC 22000:2018) which has been certified by Bureau Veritas on 8 March 2023.


Helping beekeepers from the beginning

From the beginning, Honey Group Finland’s services have included the sale of beekeeping products. We have the most diverse selection of beekeeping products in Finland. In addition to our brick-and-mortar store, we serve beekeepers through our webstore. We also buy beeswax and make it into new comb foundations with traditional methods using our foundation mill. We also sell the liquid sugar used in bee feeding in July and August. We even deliver larger quantities of liquid sugar directly to customers around Finland with a tanker lorry.
Selling beekeeper products and sugar promotes and develops Finnish beekeeping and helps to ensure that high-quality Finnish honey is always produced. Our partners include domestic suppliers and suppliers in countries such as Estonia, Germany, Italy, France and Denmark. Honey Group Finland actively works to improve the conditions of professional honey production in Finland and to increase the industry’s overall profitability. We maintain good relationships with Finnish decision-makers and authorities and are proud to represent beekeepers in different situations.

See the latest news and articles here.

etl_logoHoney Group Finland is a member of the Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation.

Honey Group Finland is a member of Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd.


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